Second Annual Faith in Public Life Event: October 27, 2024
Guest: Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis
In 2024 we were thrilled to welcome the Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis. The Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis uses her gifts as author, activist, preacher, and public theologian toward creating an antiracist, just, gun violence-free, fully welcoming, gender-affirming society in which everyone has enough. Jacqui holds an M.Div from Princeton Theological Seminary and an M.Phil and Ph.D. in Psychology and Religion from Drew University. Jacqui has preached in pulpits and on stages in the US, South Africa and France. She’s been serving as Senior Minister and Public Theologian at Middle Church for 20 years.
The author of several books and articles, Jacqui’s most recent book, Fierce Love was published in 2021. Her Just Love Story Bible will be released in 2025. Jacqui produces an annual justice conference with Middle Church. Freedom Rising: The Fierce Urgency of Now is scheduled for April 2025.
Watch Now: A Conversation with Derek Black
First Annual Faith in Public Life Event: November 5, 2023
Guest: Derek Black
Derek Black grew up at the epicenter of white nationalism. Their father, Don Black, founded Stormfront, the first and largest racist community on the internet. Their godfather, David Duke, was a KKK Grand Wizard and elected politician. By the time Derek turned 19 and entered college, they were regarded as the leading light of the burgeoning white nationalist movement.
At New College of Florida, they encountered diverse perspectives and for the first time questioned the science, history, and prejudices behind their
worldview. Eventually, at tremendous personal cost, they disavowed everything they were taught to believe. Derek Black is the subject of Rising Out of Hatred: The Awakening of a Former White Nationalist by
Pulitzer prize-winning author Eli Saslow.
A graduate of New College, Black is a PhD candidate in medieval studies at University of Chicago.
Further reading:
The white flight of Derek Black by Eli Saslow
Why I Left White Nationalism by R. Derek Black